I hangaia e te Miihini BHJC te Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine mo te kaihoko e whakaputa ana i te roopu wira.

I hangaia e BHJC Machinery te Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine mo te kaihoko e whakaputa ana i te roopu wira.Ko tenei Miihini pupuhi pupuhi iti he mea hangaia mo te horoi i te roopu wira.

I runga i tenei Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine ka tere te horoi o nga roopu wira, a he tino pai te hua.Ko tenei miihini he tino utu nui mo te puhipuhi o te roopu wira i roto i etahi atu momo miihini pupuhi pupuhi, penei i te momo matau miihini pupuhi pupuhi me te huri i te teepu pupuhi pupuhi miihini.

Whakapā atu ki te māngai o te BHJC mo etahi atu korero.
BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (1)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (2)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (3)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (4)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (5)

Wā tuku: Apr-12-2022